\r\nThese days we are up against a serious national matter that has to do with the international regognition of F.Y.R.O.M. (Former Yougoslav Republic Of Macedonia) as Macedonia.\r\n


\r\nThis issue has greek interest since its result shows clearly the lack of patriotism and also the irresponsibility of our goverments, ministers and prime ministers who let things take this unfortunate course.\r\n


\r\nI wonder how much more well-organized is the F.Y.R.O.M. Ministry of Foreign Affairs than ours and what kind of brilliant diplomats does F.Y.R.O.M. has so that in such a short period since the creation of their small state they achieved to get an advantageous position compared to Greece (Hellas) by conveincing more than 120 countries of the planet they deserve the name Macedonia without even a geografic specification, like Slavomacedonia, for example.\r\n


\r\nA question desperately seeking for an answer is why the greek side didn’t see to inform those who ignore historical facts that even Macedonia as a word is greek and that it defines a particular geographic region the borders of which during the years have been moved and changed because of war frictions and according to signed treaties.\r\n


\r\nI believe that negligence and inaction on behalf of the greek politicians’ shouldn’t be a surprise, provided that for many years noone of them even tried to establish Hellas as our international name and people still know and call us Greece.\r\n


\r\nOn the other hand, the european attitude towards this situation is impressive. Greek interests are completely ignored and Europe succumbs in probable American pressure for a small state that I fail to understand how much important will his offer be in the European Union.\r\n


\r\nUnfortunately Greece (Hellas) borders on states which, except Italy off course, not only have offered absolutely nothing to humanity from a cultural and evolutional point of view, but they also have conquest intentions.\r\n


\r\nI will refer to the "brother" turkish invasion in Cyprous and the occupation of the northern part of the island.\r\n


\r\nAnd what did they do with it?\r\n


\r\nThe turk-cyprians starve. An exceptionally evolving touristic region of Cyprus remains unexploited, with no developement, no colour, living in misery and nothingness.\r\n


\r\nAlbania just got its first glimpse to civilisation and has already expansive tendencies. With the help of U.S., they acquired Kosovo, an industrial region of former Yugoslavia and later of Serbia, to which Albanians found refuge in order to work to Kosovo based factories.\r\n


\r\nThe population of Albania increased and as a result after the change of regime they were hungering for the region in order to have the upper hand.
\r\nSerbs by command of Milosevic had the area under strict police surveillance so that they intimidate the Albanians and prevent splinter groups actions like UCK. With various provocation acts offending human rights and charged at chauvinist Serbs, in the name of freedom of expression, Milosevic goverment was deprived of its rank with the eminent elections, which even though gained by Milosevic, they were called invalid, and without a second ballot Milosevic opponent was proclaimed President of Serbia.\r\n


\r\nMilosevic was hold in custody by the International Court of Justice with no bill of indictment and remained detained for 2 and half years, untill he passed away after a heart attack... The mission of the Dominant Nations was completed as they didn’t want any obstacles on their way, like Milosevic who didn’t compromise if it wasn’t for the benefit of his country.\r\n


\r\nAnd mark my words... Kosovo will turn into a region full of misery, unemployment, and the proud Kosovo residents of today are most likely to move in the near future so that they find better conditions of living.\r\n


\r\nBulgarians are also neighbours with serious hangups that cannot accept the greatness of greek history. Moreover they cannot accept that the Greeks for many years now are on a higher standar of living.\r\n


\r\nThere is a current of public opinion in Bulgaria that makes conscientious efforts to show that Macedonia doesn’t have anything to do with Greece (Hellas) and that we alone invoked her greek character. Visit this relevant site.\r\n


\r\nThose Bulgarians are quite something!... With no developement, no cultural offer but still they are well-disposed towards expanding their borders.
\r\nOur ancestors regarded dwellers of the adjacent countries as BARBARIANS, because obviously the only thing that mattered to them was causing troubles to their neighbours and not how to create situations suitable for providing a better way of living and be proud of their origins.\r\n


\r\n"Anyone not Greek, is a Barbarian" ancient Greeks were saying, and that was about education and not about origin.\r\n


\r\nIn our days a barbarian can be even a Greek who doesn’t acknowledge his history, doesn’t take pride in his origin and his ancestors’ heritage and is only interested in keeping his chair of authority, grab more money and have a good time without carring if he does harm to others.\r\n


\r\nA barbarian is he who has nothing sacred and his only objective is the vainglory of his arrogance that doesn’t come from morality but from deceits and violations of any dignity and meritocracy.\r\n


\r\nThese situations let our neighbours persume that we don’t have any relation to our ancestors and our history... \r\n


\r\n \r\n


\r\nKostas "PurEviL" Kyriakakis\r\n


\r\nTranslation: Barbara Karpodini \r\n


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