Conception - Parallel Minds
Conception - Parallel Minds
\r\nConception, before many years, were for me a kind of a personal..discovery. One day, I listened to a song of them and impressed by their music and especially their singer , I searched enough, to find out in the end, that this song was ’’Roll the fire’’ and the name of the band Conception. However, having no Internet connection that period, my only choice was to try find the album itself, since I knew nothing more about the band. I was more than relieved when I found out that this album had more than one good songs in it. Time by time I learnt whatever I could about them, and the very good first impression that I had, tuned into admiration and appreciation for all their works. \r\n
\r\nNowadays, Conception’s fame is in a higher level than it used to be back then. Unfortunately, as you might know Conception have broken up since many years. However the singer of the band managed to spread his reputation and to become one of the most distinctive voices in metal music. We are talking about Roy Khan who is making a great carrer with the band Kamelot. This fact, helped Conception, even after all these years to gain the recognition that they deserved, but mostly as ‘’the band that the Kamleot singer used to sing..’’ Is this..label fair for Conception? Not at all.. no matter how good Kamelot might be. \r\n
\r\nConception made 4 albums of excellent power/progressive metal during the period 1989-1998, having all these years their own personal style and personality, helping the genre evolve even more. Even though the band’s friends opinions differ, about which is Conception’s best work, since all 4 albums are of great quality, The’’ Parallel Minds’’ is the one that made the difference based on its dynamic character, its technical perfection and its great songs. \r\n
\r\nParralell Minds consists of 10 songs. The main characteristic of them is their quality, given to them by the album’s main creators, the singer Roy Khan and the guitarist Tore Østby. \r\n
\r\nØstby even if it’s quite obvious that he is influenced by other famous bans of the same genre, manages to adopt all his influences under his own personal style. Without sophisticated but dynamic enough riffs and without tiring solos, his songs sound quite powerfull and catchy at the same time, bringing out an extra ordinary result.\r\n
\r\nOn the other side Khan is truly amazing. His singing is great, full of passion and feelings and he has a really great control of his voice in all the songs, giving this way to his guitarist, the opportunity to compose without feeling ‘’restricted’’ from his singer, since Khan can sing everything. \r\n
\r\nGreat role in the album’s success played all the 3 other members of the band, who did a very good work and added more quality to the album. Arve Heimdal in drums is exceptional, Hans Kristian Gjestvang’s keyboards sound great and there are times that they steal the show and Ingar Amlien is also perfect with his bass. \r\n

\r\nConcerning the songs now, the album consists of some really heavy songs, ballads, mid tempo songs with beautiful choruses, and songs with progressive experimentations. As I had the chance to see myself in the past, the song that stood out was Roll the Fire, one of the best songs the band has ever written, not on the account of its music or its lyrics but mostly on the account of its dynamic nature and its favorable response to the fans. That was the also the band’s first video clip, which appeared several times on MTV’s shows. Other great songs of the album are the first song ‘’Water Confines’’ (with Ryche stylish vocals), the dynamic ‘’And I Close My Eyes’’, the ‘’Silent Crying’’, a truly amazing ballad, the heavy and powerfull ‘’My Decision’’ and the mid tempo ‘’Silver Shine’’ which is my favorite song of this album. However all the songs I mentioned are not ‘’the best’’, since the entire album has no weak moments. It’s up to the listener to find out which songs appeal to him most and which songs he is going to love from this album. \r\n
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\r\nThe lyrics deal with many subjects such as the loneliness, our inner battles, the unfulfilled love and desires, and the conflict between man and technology. Khan has made an extraordinary work here, by writing some GREAT lyrics, giving another point to the album. Even a person who speaks English as his first language would be jealous of Khan’s capability to write like that, which is another sign of his culture and his amazingly great talent. \r\n
\r\nConception reunited in 2005 just for a few gigs, but this reunion has gone no further. Things have already taken their way, Khan is having a good time with Kamelot and he seems to be the last one who would be truly favored from such a reunion. What remain, are 4 great albums with many great songs and the memory of a band that deserved much more than it got. \r\n
\r\nIf you ever have the chance to listen to a Conception’s album, do not hesitate at all. If this album happens to be Parallel Minds you will have some more reasons to listen to it, if you have read this article. \r\n
\r\nPanagiotis Agalopoulos \r\n