Αrbalest - Harbingers of Devolution

Αrbalest - Harbingers of Devolution

\r\nArbalest come from Austria and have been together as a band no longer than a year...and their debut is here already. Some would call this a hasty move, perhaps something like a teenager’s impulse. But after listening to their music it becomes obvious that these guys have indeed something to offer, despite their rush.
\r\n The spectrum within which they linger is perhaps too big to house inside just one label. Modern metal with the basic "core" ingredients, enriched with bizzare structures and a smart advantage: the clever use of keyboards. Keys that lean more towards electronica than the usual way used in all those atmospheric bands. The landscape here is engulfed in urban style and aesthetics with a dose of melancholy. The atmospheres escalate only to errupt furiously into heavy guitar parts, while the vocal parts are of the core type, but focusing mostly on a desperate feeling rather than rage. "Harbingers of Devolution" is paced, with a flow that provokes the listener to hit the repeat button again and again. And that is exactly the purpose of a music creation.
\r\n The band themselves call their style progressive and I cannot disagree with them in any way since the songs really progress in so many ways. So, I come to the conclusion that Austria may not have the so called strength in numbers when it comes to metal bands, like Sweden or England, but is rather priviliged with unique acts. The album is pushed furthemore by its beautiful production. Powerful and sharp it motivates the "play it loud" moto, just listen to those electronic elements get enhanced by a turned on volume! A very interesting release that is sure to haunt my ears for a long time. Give it a chance and let yourself taste something truly different for a change. Songs like "Brutality Devours You" and "The Horror You Created" aren’t written every day. \r\n


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\r\nGiannis rem3dy Nakos \r\n


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