CONORACH - 42 Days/Patriot's Song

CONORACH - 42 Days/Patriot's Song

I have been familiar with the Dutch Conorach since they released their debut album ““Tales From The tavern” in 2008, an album that in my opinion was an excellent Heavy/Folk Metal release. Conorach’s musical influences can be spot in bands like Skyclad and mostly Falconer that seem to characterize their sound. This release is in fact nothing more than a 2 track single “42 Days” and “Patriot’s Song” which seem to carry on the legacy of “Tales From The tavern”. So, what we have here is 2 compositions of well performed heavy metal with clever folk melodies and some symphonic parts that escort Conorach’s epic tales. Of course we can’t grow conclusions of how the album would sound by listening to only 2 tracks (though the first impression is rather encouraging) , what we can do is wait for their full length.
\r\nDimitris Karantounias

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