Demontage - The Principal Extinction

Demontage - The Principal Extinction

Do you feel that you are missing the combination Speed music with raw production and thrash riffing? Well don‘t be disappointed I got something here just for you.
\r\nAs we all know, Canada is well known for its great speed / thrash legacy, right? So From Canada come the outfit Demontage with their second full length release “The Principal Extinction” tha will make some heads to roll for sure. Speed, raw with riff heavy metal with some early black metal touches (like Sweden’s Bewitched, Gehhenah) plus an ultra “cult” production that for some auditors may will be unbearable but many fans of the sound will comment as “proper”
\r\nSo, take another beer, turn up the stereo and place the speakers near to the most hated neighbour of yours and be amused,  you may not be amused by the album itself but it is always hilarious to see the melting brain of your neighbour pouring out of his ears….
\r\nLampros “Witchfynder” Tennes

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