Goatwhore - Carving Out The Eyes Of God

Goatwhore - Carving Out The Eyes Of God

\r\nBands like Goatwhore and albums like “Carving Out The Eyes Of God” (which is the 4th offering of the NOLA based band that is already counting 12 years on the scene) seem like an…eulogy for today’s death/black and in general extreme metal sound, which has become so complex that it’s almost boring. But let me explain myself…Goatwhore did not reinvent death metal. However, they have managed to create a sound that seems like a “back to the roots” effort to the main components of death and black metal, as taught by “forefathers” Venom and Celtic Frost, without sounding out of date or simply rip-offs. Surely the Celtic Frost vibe (and riffs) are to be found almost throughout the entire album but that is not all, as the band draws inspiration from the entire death metal spectre, without the lack of black metal elements here and there. If you add the now almost classic rotten sound that most of the NOLA bands have (see Crowbar or Soilent Green for example, ex bands of guitarist Sammy Duet and vocalist Ben Falgoust respectively), plus the very good production by Eric Rutan, you have a recording that through 40 minutes and 10 songs manages to grab the listener by the neck and give him a good hit, with no misunderstandings or the need for any deep thinking about the nature of their sound. Things are simple…they are Goatwhore, they love Celtic Frost and they play DEATH metal! If that’s enough for you, then don’t even think not to listen to this album…for the rest there are always Meshuggah…Oh, one last thing, the opener “Apocalyptic Havoc” is a killer!\r\n


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\r\nLambros MetalshockPanetas


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