GOREZONE - Brutalities of Modern Domination

GOREZONE - Brutalities of Modern Domination

\r\n     Brutalities of Modern Domination : such is entitled the third full – length album of the Germans Gorezone. The extreme German scene continues its very tradition to even more technical fields. This full – length is no exception, without this being thankful by necessity.
\r\n     The album in question is a purely technical/ brutal death metal album. The death metal axis is just enriched through technical extensions, in an effort to refresh and  modernize the genre. Rare they are (and thus merciful), the alternates to quite mid – tempo patterns (e.g. 42,7). Truth be told, the riffage  is fierce and aggressive, this very riffing actually sounds outraged (exemplification is  redundant – all compositions come under the above mentioned characterizations). In spite of these, the terminus is one and major. Through all this blast of technicalities, do remnants of music  survive? In other words, there is an issue of essence going on, with the last one conceived as a counterbalance to a “musical” chattering/ blabbering; a lack of essence.
\r\n     Technically (concerning the band as a whole), the album is adept. Heavy/ fast riffing (Markus Cabrera-Krügel – Guitar), a drummer unceasingly released in (gravity) blast beating (Asgard Niels). One gets the feeling of a tight performing, a dimension definitely welcomed. Concerning the bass (Torsten Nieland), this is unexploited,the least(!), as its usage seems to refer to an approach which sees the bass as another guitar sounding at lower frequencies, rather than  a rhythm ‘s section part, an independent instrument. The vocals (Karsten Schöning), rather walk a secure path: they are certainly deep (abyssial at times) with often alternations to more “aggressive” vocal lines (the composition homonymous to the album title offers illustrative examples of all three vocal levels). Regarding the lyrics, they have not been released somewhere on the net (this is what my fruitless search confirmed, nevertheless), hence, no comment is made on the metrics. Conceptually though, for once more, a threadbare theme is targeted: Gore, Destruction, Death (http://www.metal-archives.com/).
\r\n     Conclusively, Brutalities of Modern Domination only satisfies the one who seeks a shallow musical approach, a simplistic headbanging aid. Truth is, Gorezone fail to preserve solid any essence they may could have; without a slight tone of exaggerating, the band is enclosed in a compositional dystocia, one gets the feeling that brutality is produced for the sake of sheer brutality, that, the more technical the band gets, the less inspired they render themselves. And they’re quite technical. \r\n


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