NARNIA - Course Of A Generation

NARNIA - Course Of A Generation

NARNIA was formed in -96 and since -97 there have been 5 studio albums and 1 live DVD/CD released. After a few changes in lineups the band now stands on its most solid foundation ever and the latest release "Enter the Gate" was highly praised in the press. In 2008 NARNIA parted ways with singer Christian Liljegren. In August the same year Germán Pascual entered as the new voice of the band. And let me say that it was an addition which took the band a step up (to say the least).
\r\nCourse Of A Generation is a powerful, melodic and fresh release. Fierce guitars but also down tempo songs which have really inviting fresh ideas like the intro to the song One Way To Freedom. Catchy riffs and angry outbursts throughout the album make it interesting as a whole without tiring you by being monotonous. Personally speaking, it was a very pleasant surprise. If I had to point out the songs which are more striking for me I would choose When The Stars Are Falling (really catchy – you can sing along even by the second chorus), Scared, One Way To Freedom and the closing track Behind The Curtain.
\r\nOf course I couldn’t write about the latest NARNIA release without making a special reference to the new frontman. German Pascual has sang in various music projects before joining NARNIA and maybe that is the reason for his unique color and technique. A huge range and a chameleon coloring that surprises you with the way he can paint images with the way he sings.
\r\n"COURSE OF A GENERATION" was released on July 24th 2009 through Massacre records. Touring will follow in the second half of 2009!
\r\nHellena Mihailidou

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