Treat - Coup De Grace

Treat - Coup De Grace

\r\nTreat are back with Their brand new album ΄Coup De Grace’ more mature as far as the lyrics are concerned and far more melodic than ever. Besides that’s a trademark to most Swedish Hard Rock bands out there. Just like the legendary Europe I think that Treat have made a name for themselves through all this years so I could easily call them “classic” Hard Rockers. 25 years of hard rocking they earned that title. They have opened concerts for bands like Queen and W.A.S.P. having played in many festivals, they also have 7 studio releases, they may seem few for 25 years of career but it’s the quality that matters and not the quantity here. These albums are simply great with their masterpieces, in my opinion being “Scratch and Bite”, “Dreamhunter” and “Organized Crime”.
\r\nThe masterminds behind this album are the 2 guitarists Anders Gary Wilkstrom and Leif "Lillen" Liljegren (he left the band back in 1988 one year after the release of “Dreamhunter”) and let’s not forget to mention the singer of the band Robert Ernlund along with many other musicians contributing on this one. “Coup De Grace” is a really exceptional album, its music style reminds me that of “Europe” and “Gotthard” mostly in the guitar parts while the melodies sound catchy just like W.E.T. did in their first release some months ago. Concluding, I think that this one is a bit better than their previews releases and by saying this I am referring mostly to the lyrics and the melodies all given through a modern sound just like it should be. A modern approach that doesn’t sound awkward though since they managed to develop their familiar sound without distorting it into something completely strange to what they did all these years as some of their fellow countrymen did, sacrificing their past in order to be sounding “modern”. Treat don’t fall in that trap.
\r\nI think that all friends of the genre will love “Coup De Grace” and I strongly believe that it would be another gem of Hard Rock that someone must have.  \r\n


\r\nAndreas Anellos\r\n


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