Viral Load/Putrid Pile split cd - split

Viral Load/Putrid Pile split cd - split

\r\n I’ve been waiting for this split cd for a long time now. The two "one man band" dudes are the best at what they do, and return with new material released by Relapse records although they are not part of its roster. Now, if you are not familiar with these guys just take a look at the logos featured on the cover and you’ll understand what it’s about. This review(I’d rather call it an opinion..) is addressed to the unaware since the rest of you brutal sickos know the what to expect.
\r\n Fourth official release for Putrid Pile, there have been 3 full lengths so far, while Viral Load count many more years of existence. And of course this is brutal death metal, Texas style with all its known values: slams, blasts and of course ultra brutal gutturals from both sides. Let’s see this more thoroughly.
\r\n Shan Whitaker is the soul of Viral Load and a unique natural talent. Guitars, bass, vocals and drum programming are his to manipulate. So, we get tight, stubborn death metal dwelling in the most brutal paths. His material had taken a more technical approach on Backwoods Bludgeoning so he decided to take a ride back to the basic slam parts that characterize this texan outfit.  The two new songs are exactly what we’ve been waiting for and the extra cover version of Dead Horse’s "Cod Piece Face"(unknown to me until now) gives an alternat air to the flow of the songs. He delivered again!
\r\n Putrid Shaun on the other side continues the punishment with massive sound and his throat in great shape. The three new pieces are ass ripping all the way and song titles like "Lifeless...Not Useless" inform you of your fate. The production is richer than Load’s and mayhem comes into notes. The cut riffing of "The Satisfying Dead" give a more modern smell but there is no alarming here: all is still brutal dear sicko listener. No obligatory modernizing, just shots of musical development.
\r\n To conclude, this split is a good chance to get to know these bands. There are no fillers or bad moments here, just sinister entertainment and fun. Mike Majewsky’s cover art is a bonus in my opinion. Cult and quality combined. Grab it!\r\n


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\r\nGiannis rem3dy Nakos\r\n


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