EDGE OF SERENITY - The Chaos Theory

EDGE OF SERENITY - The Chaos Theory

\r\nEdge of Serenity hail from Holland and they serve the genre of melodic death metal, though to be honest I think that they are too experimental to be labeled as such. Formed in 2006 under the name of “Age of Anger” they released a demo and in 2008 they changed their name into “Edge of Serenity” while this year they released their debut album “The Chaos Theory”. Musically their style varies from “Dark Tranquility” and “In Flames” to a more melodic form like that of the early “Lacuna Coil” with a combination of Brutal and “clean” melodic vocals. Well, despite all this musical variety, the adding of keyboards and female vocals I don’t think that they manage to escape mediocrity so they are stuck to the “experimental cliché” an ordinary trap for many of the bands serving the genre.
\r\nAs for the compositions I don’t think that there is something groundbreaking here and that’s exactly the reason why they fall into mediocrity. I can’t say that they are boring or uninspired I was just expecting something more from a new and skillful band. They seem to have potential though. For the production of this record they used the help of Everon’s Christian Moos and the results are fantastic and so is the album’s artwork. Maybe in the future they will present something better, besides this is only their debut, for the time being just check this one out and grow your own conclusions!\r\n


\r\nDimitris Karantounias\r\n


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