MNEMIC - Mircea Are you the Sons Of  The System? What made you choose this title for your upcoming release? What should we expect to listen in this upcoming album of yours?
About a year ago we started toying around with album titles, we just wanted to have something that sounded catchy, something we could contruct meaning out of. Rune (2nd guitarist) came up with the title and the majority agreed on the title – we couldn’t come up with something better.
\r\nThe title is very metaphorical, and can actually be interpreted as a mass of people, standing united against a greater evil. It can be anything from a corrupt government, to an oppressing force to technology taking over mankind. I wrote the lyrics out of the title, and these portray my opinions. The song is not representative for the whole album. In our direct relation to the lyrics, it is actually the state the world is in today. The fact that globalization is destroying the world, and the fact that outsourcing and mass production are spread to the poorer countries of the world, leaves us only with uniformity. The main point is that we need to change these patterns, and start re-industrializing again in Europe, so we can be more dependent on our own resources and workforce. This way we will get rid of uniformity and each country will deliver diversity. It’s a longer debate, but in the end we all are sons of the system, and it starts with one idea, one vote and one unity.  
\r\ If you had to describe the style you play to someone who hasn’t listened to you before how would you describe it?
Progressive industrial rock metal maybe? Cause we basically have an element from each genre… But I really do not have a clear idea of our style. We just like music, we write whatever sounds good to us, and in the end its just music.
\r\ Are you planning on touring in support of the Sons Of The System?
Definitely, but we do not have anything concrete at the moment locked down, we are working on this at the moment. We will definitely visit a bunch of festivals for next year, that’s for sure.

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\r\n\r\ Any plans on visiting Greece?
I really hope so – because we have never been there before, and I would love to go there. I have a couple of friends from Greece, and I love the food and people, so if not with the band I will do my own solo tour haha…
\r\ How does it feel to have members of Metallica talking about your music?
It feels pretty far out, surreal and just amazing. I mean Metallica are one of those bands I wouldn’t even have dared to dream of. I never thought that we could reach them, since we are such a small band. I guess our music spoke for it self, and it reached them in the end. It was crazy hearing James mentioning songs and riffs, that pretty much was surreal. I am very grateful to have played with them, hung out with them and enjoyed their catering on tour, and I hope it will happen again with the new album. We’ll see what happens…
\r\ Where do you feel this style you’ve created will lead you? Do you feel you’re the driving force to where the sound of metal is heading towards?
We have not re-invented any wheel for that matter, and no I do not feel we are a driving force for metal. The driving force to where the sound of metal is heading towards are the bigger bands, such as Machine Head, Lamb Of God, etc. those are the bands that inspire and work as spin doctors for the metal community. Our band is simply too small to do that, but I really hope that some bands can be inspired from our music to do their own – that would be an honor.
\r\ How do you create music? How is the process like into creating such complex music? Is it intentional that it’s difficult for the listener to comprehend?
But is it difficult for the listener to listen to? I guess some, but we are still a metal band, we are not mainstream, we don’t play simple 4/4 rock. On the first couple of albums we created everything in the rehearsal, jammed our way to the songs. On the new album the process has been very different. As we have become older we kind of got tiered of looking at each others ugly mugs in the rehearsal, so we all invested into home studios. This way we composed the new material from whenever we had the time, and composed pretty much everything on the net. We sent files back and forth to each other and when we had full songs we met up in the rehearsal and started jamming these songs. It was a fast paced process, without too much hassle. I think that this is also one of the reasons that the songs are more consistent, and solid. I would say the new album is less complicated, and easier to get into, compared to the rest of the albums. We put emphasis on making some good songs; we didn’t concentrate on showing off. We have nothing to prove to anyone.
\r\ Do you listen to old school metal bands? Which ones?
Yeah, I listen to everything basically. Lately its been a lot of Morbid Angel “Blessed Are The Sick”, and also Suffocation “Effigy of the forgotten”.

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\r\ Where do you see yourselves in 5 years time?
That’s a really good question – I hope to be on the same record label and still be putting out albums – hopefully good albums. Anything can happen in 5 years. Maybe we will become bigger? I don’t know – I really hope for the best, cause music is my life.
\r\ Thank you very much for your time and I wish you all the best in your upcoming plans.
Thank you for the interview. Please do visit soon to get a glimpse of the concept! \r\n

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