KK's Priest, the band comprised of renowned former Judas Priest guitarist, K.K. Downing and former vocalist Tim “Ripper” Owens, have released the single “Brothers Of The Road” off their forthcoming Sermons Of The Sinner album. Listen below. The album comes out via Explorer1 Music Group/EX1 Records on October 1.
The band has also announced a limited collector’s piece, a scroll that chronicles the lyrical content of Sermons Of The Sinner. The scroll features lyrics of all 10 tracks on the forthcoming album; spanning 14X50”on parchment paper rolled on metal pole ends. Also included is a certificate of authenticity signed by K.K. Downing. It can be found here.
Fans are able to pre-order the debut album in various configurations including an exclusive limited edition autographed Metal Vinyl (Silver Disc) with bonus CD Album, via the band’s online store here. The album can be pre-saved via all global digital streaming partners as well.
KK’s Priest also features Tony Newton (Voodoo Six) on bass, A.J. Mills (Hostile) on guitar and Sean Elg (DeathRiders/Cage) on drums. Original drummer, Les Binks, unfortunately sustained a wrist injury, but will make special guest live appearances when the band tours.
"Hellfire Thunderbolt"
"Sermons Of The Sinner"
"Sacerdote Y Diablo"
"Raise Your Fists"
"Brothers Of The Road"
"Metal Through And Through"
"Wild And Free"
"Hail For The Priest"
"Return Of The Sentinel"