Antti Simonen - Obscurant – Soulfallen, Morian, Alghazanth, ...And Oceans, Lucidity 06.03.1979        

Matt Thompson - Shaolin Death Squad, King Diamond, Djugdish, Mushroom, Groovy, Autumn Silence, Maylee Thomas, Wompi, Synkronizity, Aghora, Sault 06.03.1970          

David Gilmour - David Gilmour, Pink Floyd 06.03.1946          

Scott "Scotty" Fuller (Scotti Fuller) - Sentinel Beast, Errorgeist, Annihilated, Abysmal Dawn, Morbid Angel, Havok, Jungle Rot 06.03.1988           

Jean-Philippe Delmulle (djp) – AnachroniA 06.03.1983           

Tsukasa - D'espairsRay 06.03.1977    

Balázs Tóth – Casketgarden, Thy Catafalque 06.03.1978        

Rory Conroy – Huron 06.03.1985       

Daniele Ferru - Ironman Tunno, Tethra, Holy Martyr 06.03.1978         

Ashe Austin O'Hara Goodings (Ashe O'Hara) – TesseracT, Ashe O'Hara, Voices From The Fuselage, Akeldama, Dzyen 06.03.1990     

Peter Lindgren - Opeth 06.03.1973   

Jonathan "Jon" Huber - I Declare War, Pathology, Dark Sermon, Aegaeon, The World We Knew, Idols 06.03.1985   

Ali Khalil - Slumpark Correctional 06.03.1981          

Michael James Romeo – Johansson, Michael Romeo, Kotipelto, Symphony X, Russell Allen, Redemption, Verni, Vitalij Kuprij, Lion's Share, Ayreon 06.03.1968

Walter Giardino - V8, Walter Giardino Temple, Rata Blanca, Punto Rojo, Temple (ARG), Mägo De Oz 06.03.1960   

Joey DeMaio – Manowar 06.03.1954 

Johan Blomqvist - Backyard Babies 06.03.1973          

Alejandro "Alex" Varela - Dark Embrace 06.03.1978

Christopher "Chris" Broderick - Act Of Defiance, Ballistic, Jag Panzer, Megadeth, Industrial Eden, Nevermore, In Flames, Leander Rising, Warrel Dane, Redemption 06.03.1970

Paweł Pietrzak – (Stormblast) - Infernal War, Deus Mortem, Tortorum, Azarath 06.03.1981   

Yves Blaschette - Le Grand Guignol 06.03.1980         

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