Frank Claussen - Theatre Of Tragedy 19.03.1976
Markus "Makka" Freiwald – Bonded, Despair, Voodoocult, Sodom, AfterBlood, Rotting Christ, Kreator, Caelestia, Moonspell 19.03.1971
Billy Sheehan - Sons Of Apollo, The Winery Dogs, Mr. Big, MIWA, David Lee Roth, Michael Schenker Group, Steve Vai, Niacin, Billy Sheehan, Talas, Gus G., Tony MacAlpine, UFO, Yngwie Malmsteen, Jordan Rudess, Lita Ford, Marty Friedman etc. 19.03.1953
Aksu Hanttu - S-Tool, Entwine, The Man-Eating Tree, Villieläin 19.03.1979
Tony May – Sacrilege 19.03.1960
Dirk Zelmer – Galloglass 19.03.1972
Jessica Thierjung – Lyriel, Xandria 19.03.1981
Brann Dailor - Today Is The Day, Mastodon, Evisceration, Lethargy, Arcadea 19.03.1975
Robert Kiernan – Sirocco 19.03.1984
Alex Dubé – Icewind 19.03.1983
Axel Johann – Boomerang 19.03.1974
George Thanasopoulos - Airged L'amh 19.03.1973
Ryan Taylor – Solstice, Lich King, Malevolent Creation 19.03.1997
Eric Wroldsen (E_Wroldsen) - Red Harvest 19.03.1973
Ludovic (La Sale Famine De Valfunde) – Alcest, Shining 19.03.1982
Ezzy (Ezzymania 2000) - Chaosweaver 19.03.1977
Brant Bjork - Vista Chino, Fu Manchu, Kyuss, Full Tone Generator 19.03.1973
Sebastjan Mulej – Brutart 19.03.1979