Images Of Eden has premiered their video for “Animation In A Still World". This is the fourth video from the band's latest album Angel Born.
Images Of Eden hopes to open people's eyes with their video and make a positive impact on listeners everywhere. "Animation In A Still World" makes some bold statements on the media. Images Of Eden says, "This video is a very accurate (and current) snapshot of our world today. We can no longer trust the media to tell the truth because it is no longer ‘information’ but has become a platform for propaganda instead. Trust your senses and do your research.”
Angel Born artwork and tracklisting:
“Autumn Is Burning”
“Angel Born”
“My Promise”
“Where Dreams Begin”
“Killing God”
“Fight The Good Fight”
“War Room”
“Serenity Reign”
“Animation In A Still World”
“Marigold Sun”
“In Memory Of Me”