Night Cobra plays uncaged music for an age of discontent. The Houston heavy metal band will release its debut full length LP, Dawn Of The Serpent, on February 11 via Irongrip Records/High Roller Records.
Featuring current and former members of Eternal Champion, Necrofier, Venomous Maximus, and more, Night Cobra plays a fiery blend of scorching rock 'n' roll and blistering metal. With Dawn Of The Serpent, Night Cobra delivers high-tech, low life heavy metal that sounds like it was made on the concrete streets of a city. Ominous cover artwork by Adam Burke (Uncle Acid & The Deadbeats) portends the calamity that the record promises.
In celebration of the impending release of Dawn Of The Serpent, the new song, "Run The Blade", is available for streaming below.
Dawn Of The Serpent tracklisting:
"Run The Blade"
"The Serpent's Kiss"
"Lost In Time"
"Black Venom Dreams"
"The Neuromancer's Curse"
"For Those Who Walk The Night"
"Mortal Danger"
"Acid Rain"
"Electric Rite"