With the opportunity of the new Acid death album was more than curious to know all about it. Savvas and Kostas answered our questions




Three years have pass since your last effort what has taken place during this time in the camp of Acid death ?


Kostas: Firstly, hello and thank you for the presentation! During those 3 years musically a lot of things occurred live appearances at our with Paul Spekmann ’s Master  and off course the creation of "Hall of mirrors" an album which took us a lot of time to compose it because everything we’ve done we’ve done it from the beginning.




A few words for the hall of mirrors album.


Kostas: The title of the album comes from the title of one of the included songs. Basically describes the emotions of a psychopath who can’t escape from a situation of his everyday life experience. The other songs describe similar situations because this was the general lyrical concept. The cover, made by Giannis Nakos from Mortal torment follows the same idea. He wave also guest musicians in this album.



A lot of changes  in this album. What led you to work this album with this mentality ?


Kostas: The reunion of the band and the creation of "Eidolon" album brought a kind of mess ,when everything settled we gave it a thought concerning the direction we wanted to follow. For the "Eidolon" we had used material already existing so we thought it could be a good chance to leave everything behind and start writing everything using new ideas. Meanwhile, when we started to compose, joined the band John Anagnostou ,also member in Released Anger, and  began contributing  in the composition of the tracks. You already know that we are in favor of experimenting with our music. So we did stuff and put some elements that you can’t see them regularly but we have used in the past. Such as "clear" and woman vocals, elements form the electronic music and a few other surprises who contribute to the result of a better sounding album. 


During the presentation of the album we discussed the problems with your past label. What exactly happened ? With the time pressing you how difficult was to find a new label ?


Savvas: The problem was that the previous label , Noisehead records, stopped operating. We were ready to start the mixing of the album in the label’s studios in Austria and the bad news came out. It was a sad story bat the spirit of the band was far from broken. I could say that in the end it was for the best. We ended up cooperating with a better label with better distribution, the album came out with small delay and the band moves on.





Since the subject moved on to labels can you give us the difference from past days and the present in the labels section ?


Savvas: Look... It’s a really complicated subject. Firstly we must make clear that being under the "ubrella" of a label ,no matter the size, doesn’t mean that everything will be set. In the past with the sales being good all the labels supported  the bands with various ways whith the most common being the coverage of the expenditure of the recordings even  in a percentage. This was a kind of investment for every label beacause afterward those money returned from the sales of every album. So in this way everything was set in the favor of the band because the label had the need of good sales. Now days the big numbers in sales belong to the past. As a result there comes less support from the label which nowdays has to sell in order not to invest  but basically, in many case, in order just to survive. Throughout the years of our existence -even before 2001 when the band disbanded- we have talked with many labels. I want to believe that we will settle with current label for many years everything so far leads to this.




You have been around for  25 years so far. Looking back any thoughts memories or emotions that  you would like to share ?


Savvas: The first thought of course is how different some things would have been if we didn’t stop in 2001, and carried by putting aside the problems that we had in those days. The lack of experience in many things also caused ud some trouble. On the other hand we are happy to be here, active, and beside the difficulties of now days we create music and carry on. There are many things we can mention  here. It’s a 1/4 of a century story !




The reaction of the fans in the domestic and the international level ?


Kostas: Generally speaking the reaction so far is very good ! We have fans from the old days but also new fans. The reactions for "Eidolon" were good and now with the coming of "Hall of mirrors" possitive comments increase ! We hope this to continue and Acid death to continue to put out good music for the fans !




Being veterans in the death/thrash genre how you see the action in the Greek scene ?


Kostas: Look you have to be blind to miss the increscent of the quality  of the scene. Technology, internet the musical level of the musicians have given a tremendous push to the bands to write their  matterial as they wish it to be. We an easily say that the Greek bands nowadays are equal to those from abroad. There exists as well a huge amount of lives and the fans support them. Everything seem to be perfect especially in that sector.




A lot of people consider nowadays the situation in the  Greek metal scene to be different and "healthier" . Do you share this opinion or you just think that people... let’s say are more careful  in their behavior towards  other members of  the scene ?


Kostas: It’s mix of all the above. The situation of course is better than it used to be 10 years ago. Beside the fact that we have better music and musicians the relations between the bands are better. Bands support each other and everybody seem to take care of his behavior towards the others all these have given the result that we see today.


To all the above we have to add he great help that the scene gets from the internet you can hide especially  clown behaviors and silly rockstar attitudes people seem to be more careful than in the past.





What’s the situation in the live section and what we have to expect in the future?


Kostas: Our last gigs were with The Haunted and our set at Astarte Fest. And as we said in the begging we had a tour with Master του Paul Spekmann our first abroad which was like a school for us. For the season which starts this autumn we definitely  going to have some shows but nothing  so far scheduled.




Which are your future plans ?


Firstly we have a release party at Ragnarock club at 18 of September and we wait all of you there to listen music and discuss about it. Beside that live shows and another European tour as soon as possible.



\r\n\r\n  thanks you for this interview and wishes the best for the future ! But always the last words belong to the artist !


A big thank you from all of us for the presentation ! Listen our new album come to one of our shows to see the band to talk and of course to give us our comments we want them  they are always  useful !


Douros Gerasimos


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