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- GODIVA - Steve Papacharitos
GODIVA - Steve Papacharitos
Godiva is a Swiss metal band in the Euro metal fields. Originally formed in early 2001 as a cover band but within the next year Godiva supported numerous bands such as Freedom Call, Shakra, Primal Fear and Dokken while only one year after Godiva was headlining the Swiss Metal Attack festival in 2002. With former Victory singer Fernando Garcia, a rhythm section by Mitch Koontz and Peter Gander along with Sammy Lasagni and their latest member the Greek Steve Papacharitos for a killer twin guitar assault, Godiva are ready to capture your interest with their new release “Destruction”. Their new member Steve Papacharitos is willing to give us some info about the new album, how an advertisement changed his life and what happens when the virus of metal gets in your blood.
\r\nMetalzone: First of all give me a small presentation of the band for all those who don’t know yet.\r\n
\r\nSteeve: Mitch Koonz bass, Sammy Lasagni guitar, Peter Gander drums and Fernado Garcia vocals. You may know Fernando, he was the former singer of Victory. I play lead guitar.\r\n
\r\nMetalzone: Yes, I know him and you are the newest member of Godiva replacing Moses B. Fernandez. When did you exactly enter the group’s ranks and how exactly the contact with them happened? \r\n
\r\nSteeve: I am in the band for 6 months now. The contact took place through an advertisement: Professional Metal band seeks for lead guitar player. So I made a demo into my home studio and along with a biography of mine I sent them all these via e-mail. They contacted me, they sent me three tracks to study them and in a few days I had the audition. From the very first moment we played together we were pretty sure for what was next. It was like we were playing together for years. The guys told me right away that they wanted me and that’s how it all started. Basically they had received demos by 15-20 guitar players who wanted to be part of the band but I was the first and the last that they listened to. For the rest they just had to cancel the auditions. And thankfully that was not my job to do it (laugh)\r\n
\r\nMetalzone: The new album “Destruction” was released in September 28. Could you give me a small description, what will someone hear after he buys this cd?\r\n
\r\nSteeve: I would say what anyone expects from a Heavy Metal album: strong riffs, power vocals, sticking choruses. Everything that someone needs so that he won’t stop head banging from the first till the last moment of the cd.\r\n
\r\nMetalzone: What’s the feedback so far?\r\n
\r\nSteeve: We are more than happy with the reviews we received until now. I wish it will always be like this. In January the cd will be released in U.S. also and I hope that it will get the same acceptance there as well.\r\n
\r\nMetalzone: You participated only in the recording sessions, isn’t that so?\r\n
\r\nSteeve: I came to the group at mid of March. That is about six months ago. The cd was already done and the guys were looking for a new record company.\r\n
\r\nMetalzone: Could you tell me about what the lyrics are mostly dealing with? \r\n
\r\nSteeve: I’ve got the cd only a few days ago! All this time I was busy learning the songs of "Destruction" as well as the ones from the previous albums so I was less occupied with the lyrics. What I know though is that the track "Destruction" is influenced by ice hockey and it is dealing with the feeling for victory that makes you see at the game as a real battle where winning is an one way road.\r\n
\r\nMetalzone: You’ve also changed label, previously from Limb Music Products / SPV, which released your first two albums, to Mausoleum Records. What was the main reason behind this action and how pleased are you with the promotion so far?\r\n
\r\nSteeve: Our logic tells us that it is best to be the number 1 or 2 within a smaller label than being number 30 within a bigger one. So far we are very pleased with our new label from all point of views. \r\n
\r\nMetalzone: Did you know Godiva before you get into the band? And how is it now that you are actually a member of the band? \r\n
\r\nSteeve: No. Not that they were not known. I was simply abstained from Metal.\r\n
\r\nMetalzone: What do you believe that are the differences or the development of the music of Godiva concerning the previous releases?\r\n
\r\nSteeve: The first album I would say, is a classic metal album. "Call me under 666" features a big change with the arrival of Fernando Garcia in the group’s ranks, who however had a very little time in order to write the lyrics and sing the songs. I think only one week. At my opinion, "Destruction" is quite different and more mature than the previous two albums. There are songs that tend to power metal like "After the war" and "Running from the past", songs that are more modern like "Destruction", songs with strong choruses like "Vicous Blade" and "United we stand", even though I believe that every song from this album has got a strong chorus. And don’t forget to mention the bonus track. In this track loops were used, something that has never been used before in the past.\r\n
\r\nMetalzone: In this album you had once again a new producer, Dennis Ward. What do you think was the different factor that Dennis Ward offered concerning the previous production by Achim Köhler? \r\n
\r\nSteeve: Achim Köhler wasn’t available when we started working with the cd and Dennis was the alternative choice. At my opinion "Destruction" has a freshness in the production and even songs that I would say are classic metal songs like "Pedal to the Metal" for example sound really modern\r\n
\r\nMetalzone: Did Godiva participate once more in the process of the production? \r\n
\r\nSteeve: Yeah, Sammy and Mitch were co –producers.\r\n
\r\nMetalzone: What would you say that are your musical influences?\r\n
\r\nSteeve: Each one of us has different influences. Even though I’d say that we are playing European metal. You know, when once we were talking about European metal rationally you mind went to NWOBHM. Yet today there is no sense of European metal without any keyboards in it. I think that our sound is something like a modern edition of NWOBHM with a modern production of course and groups that affect us are coming from that specific era.\r\n
\r\nMetalzone: In your new album there are no ballads at all, something really unusual for a heavy metal band. Was this done fully consciously or it just happened in the process? \r\n
\r\nSteeve: I guess it just happened. There are lots of ballads but, from my point of view, very few of them are truly good. I think that a ballad should have a reason to exist. If we find that reason, in the next cd there will be a ballad, or 2 or 3, maybe we shall make an entire cd: GODIVA The Ballads. (laugh)\r\n
\r\nMetalzone: Is there a main composer in the band or do you all contribute with the music? \r\n
\r\nSteeve: The main songwriters are Mitch and Sammy. Fernando is responsible for all the lyrics.\r\n
\r\nMetalzone: The two previous covers were created by your bassist Mitch Koontz. Did he create the cover for the new album as well? \r\n
\r\nSteeve: No. The company wanted the cover to be designed by its own designer and we did not have any objection on that.\r\n
\r\nMetalzone: Does the name of the band has got anything to do with Alfred, Lord Tennyson’s famous poem? Cause as far as I know there is also a programming language by that name? \r\n
\r\nSteeve: Programming language? Well, I didn’t know that. Basically, there is the story of Lady Godiva who rode naked through the streets of Coventry in England. Unfortunately I don’t remember the reason why (laugh). Personally I like the combination between the words God and Diva. Anyway, it’s really cool when there are many versions over a name. Everyone can interpret it the way he wants and make his own picture for the group.\r\n
\r\nMetalzone: September 27 you were on a tour supporting Shakra. Which countries did you visit? And how were things for you there? \r\n
\r\nSteeve: We played in Switzerland, Germany, Belgium and Holland. Although most cities that we visited were in Germany. We did shows in lots of places from Munich up to Hamburg. Our album was due to October but our label decided to accelerate the release because of the tour. Thus therefore in the entire tour we were playing to an audience that hasn’t yet heard the cd. But from the reactions of the fans we realized even from the very first live that the album would do well. And don’t forget to mention that in Munich, where was also our last stand, there were fans from Greece and I would like to thank them once more time. \r\n
\r\nMetalzone: Are there any further plans in the near future?\r\n
\r\nSteeve: Currently our plans have all to do with the promotion of the new album. The managment team of GODIVA is constantly in contacts with organizers through all Europe and all that make us really optimistic for the future. \r\n
\r\nMetalzone: Have you started composing any new stuff for the next album or at the moment your main focus is the promotion of the new album?
\r\nSteeve: Mitch and I have already started writing some tracks that possibly some of them will be in the next record. We both have many ideas and we are having fun writing music. We don’t rush things though. At the moment most important is the promotion of "Destruction" and that we will play as many shows as possible.\r\n
\r\nMetalzone: You are a Greek who lives in Switzerland, when precisely did you decide to relocate there and why?\r\n
\r\nSteeve: I came to Switzerland in 1994. At that time I was graduating from classic guitar class and I was playing already three years with VAAL, a well known heavy metal γκρουπ of the time. At first I wanted to make something more with the music and from the other hand that was the time that Grunge was rising and the Greek metal bands were playing less and less live. So that was the right moment for me to leave. I have already heard that in Switzerland there were 2-3 jazz schools and that they were the best in Europe. So I worked for a whole year in Greece to ensure some money for the first expenses in the new country that I was going... To cut a long story short after many years of studies and plenty of nights working in any shity job that you can imagine, I graduated with master in jazz guitar and education of children. Thus having the opportunity to live by my work as a professor of music I decided to return to my roots. If the virus of metal gets into your system it never leaves!\r\n
\r\nMetalzone: So how many years have you been studying guitar?
\r\nSteeve: I’ve had about 15 years of studies.\r\n
\r\nMetalzone: In that time and prior to Godiva were you a member of any other bands?\r\n
\r\nSteeve: Like I told you from 1994 to 2005 I was totally withdrawn from metal/hard rock music. I played with several projects Jazz, Fusion, Funk. At some point I found myself playing with 6 projects at the same time giving very often concerts in jazz clubs as well as in many festivals and open airs over the spring and summertime. Naturally I mustn’t forget the endless jam sessions up to the very first morning hours! That’s when I had the chance to play with some very good musicians and learn many things from them.\r\n
\r\nMetalzone: Do you believe that in Greece it is hard for a musician to make a career in music? \r\n
\r\nSteeve: I don’t really know what’s the situation in Greece right now. In any case I remember that one of the reasons I left it was the fact that I did not want to built a career by playing in any doghouse...(laugh). You know what I mean.\r\n
\r\nMetalzone: What was the main thing that made you willing to be involved with music and which were the bands that turned you into loving metal?\r\n
\r\nSteeve: I can’t say that I remember the reason how all this started. But my first favorite groups were Iron Maiden, Scorpions, Van Halen, Motley Crue, Ozzy, Whitesnake, Mr. Big GnR and many more naturally. The big change happened when I listened for the very first time "Master of Puppets". It really swept me off. Metallica is my favorite band to date and "Master..." my favorite album to date.\r\n
\r\nMetalzone: Do you listen to other kinds of music?\r\n
\r\nSteeve: Of course. I love jazz. Henceforth I don’t play anymore but I listen to it lot.
\r\nAnd as far as the «hard» music I mostly listen to new stuff. Groups like Bullet for my Valentine, Stone Sour, Slipknot , As I lay dying etc, my favorite from the new bands are Alter Bridge. Right now "Blackbird" is stuck in my cd player!\r\n
\r\nMetalzone: Godiva has built a very good name within the metal things.What are your ambitions for the future?\r\n
\r\nSteeve: For a metal band I think it’s an one way road. Radio or TV don’t play our music. The only way that the people will know about you is by doing live shows. Although thankfully in nowadays there is the internet and the bands are able to show their work through that.\r\n
\r\nMetalzone: What’s your opinion in internet in general and what about free dοwnloading?\r\n
\r\nSteeve: From the moment that you download something that you like and then you go and buy the cd I think it’s ok. I remember myself since I was a little kid spending all my money for lps & cds. From the other hand I believe that the record companies should low down a little bit their prices so that the cds could be more accessible. As for the Internet, personally I spend lots of hours in front of my computer and of course over the internet. And, since we’re talking for the internet, I don’t want to forget mentioning our website: www.godiva.ch , www.myspace.com/godivametal. A couple weeks ago I also launched my personal MySpace page: www.myspace.com/papacharitos and honestly I really enjoy all this contact with metalheads, and not only, from Greece. So visit my page site and message me from my homeland!!!\r\n
\r\nMetalzone: How would you comment the Swiss metal scene?\r\n
\r\nSteeve: In Switzerland they are some really appreciable metal groups like Crystal Ball and many more. Yet hard rock scene is much bigger there and this happens thanks to bands like Krokus and Gotthard which are already well known and beyond the borders.\r\n
\r\nMetalzone: Would you like to add something that I didn’t ask you or to make a last comment for all of our readers? \r\n
\r\nSteeve: GODIVA performed last year in Greece along with Scorpions and Whitesnake and there is not a single moment that the guys do not speak about their experience there and about the Greek fans. I hope that we will come by this summer – and why not even sooner – in Greece, and definitely not only in Athens. Beware, GODIVA give the most dangerous after-show parties. And this is not a threat...\r\n
\r\nVaso Prassa \r\n