Abysmal Grief - Abysmal Grief

Abysmal Grief - Abysmal Grief

\r\nΑ Couple Of Months ago, The Italian doomsters, Abysmal Grief, released their first, sametitled, full length. Obviously Inspired by the Italian Occult Scene and bands like
\r\nPaul Chain, Death SS, Black Hole, Jacula / Antonius Rex and the Czech Darkwavers XIII Stoleti. Abysmal Grief presents us the perfect mixture of dark, horror doom metal, darkwave – ish keys and the obscure sound of the Organ in the first place.
\r\nThe Vinyl version contains 7 tracks while the CD version has 4 Bonus tracks which are the tracks from “Mors Eleison” MLP (Including cover of Paul Chain Violate Theater). I’m not able to separate anyone of the songs as the best one and that’s because the album is solid with no “weaker songs”! Down tempo songs with Sabbath-ish guitars. The melodies of the keys and the Organ are really cursed and haunted. Vocals once again deep, obscure and grim.As for the lyrical themes, there’s no use to be mentioned, it is just like reading An Edgar Allan Poe Novel!!. The spoken parts in the songs are either in Italian or in Latin, something that makes very heavy atmosphere.
\r\nIn Conclusion the “Abysmal Grief” Album made for the fans of the previous stated groups, also for the fans of Occult doom in general. I also recommend this album to anyone who wants to “explore” the Italian Occult Scene. I have to Admit, that from the new groups that represent this scene perfectly, are Abysmal Grief and L’ Impero Delle Ombre . I forgot to mention that the Legendary Mario “The Black” Di Donato
\r\n(Unreal Terror, Requiem, The Black) contributes in the track “Necromass..” Released through the legendary Black Widow Records On Black Vinyl, Purple Vinyl and CD with the “Mors Eleison” MLP as Bonus tracks\r\n


\r\nLampros ‘Withcfinder’ Tennes\r\n


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