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Όπως κάθε χρόνο έτσι και φέτος η συντακτική ομάδα του Metalzone δίνει τις λίστες με τα 10 καλύτερα Album για την χρονιά που φεύγει. Σας ευχόμαστε ένα ευτυχισμένο 2020 γεμάτο υγεία και όμορφές μεταλλικές μουσικές. ΧΡΟΝΙΑ ΠΟΛΛΑ !
Λάμπρος Πανέτας
1. R.U.S.T.X. - Centre Of The Universe
2. Tanith - Tanith
3. Diviner - Realms Of Time
4. Riot City - Burn The Night
5. Traveler - Traveler
6. Angel Witch - Angel Of Light
7. The Three Tremors - The Three Tremors
8. Atlantean Kodex - The Course Of Empire
9. Smoulder - Times Of Obscene Evil And Wild Daring
10.Steel Prophet - The God Machine
Στέφανος Στεφανίδης
1. Atlantean Kodex - The Course Of Empire
2. Insomniun - Heart Like A Grave
3. Villagers Of Ioannina City - Age Of Aquarius
4. Rotting Christ - Heretics
5. Idle Hands - Mana
6. Opeth - In Cauda Verenum
7. Dream Theater - Distance Over Time
8. White Snake - Flesh & Blood
9. November Doom - Nephilim Groove
10.Lord Vicar - The Black Powder
Δημήτρης Τσαουσίδης
1. Atlantean Kodex - The Course Of Empire
2. Borknagar - True North
3. Chevalier - Destiny Calls
4. Crypt Sermon – The ruins of fading light
5. Horizon's End - Skeleton Keys
6. Idle Hands-Mana
7. Megaton Sword - Niralet
8. Mirror - Pyramid of Terror
9. Nocturnus AD-Paradox
10.Traveler – Traveler
Christine Tsaprouni
1. Atlantean Kodex - The Course Of Empire
2. Chemikill- Edge Of Wasteland
3. Hess- Harpokrates
4. Magnabolt- Magnabolt
5. Screamer- Highway of Heroes
6. Solicitor (EP)
7. Sanhedrin- The Poisoner
8. Smoulder - Times Of Obscene Evil And Wild Daring
9. Traveler- Traveler
10.Warrior Path- Warrior Path
Surprise of 2019: Lord of Light and Eternal Odyssey
Κυριάκος Αντωνιάδης
1. Abbath - Outstrider
2. Amon Amarth - Berseker
3. Angel Witch - Angel of Light
4. Blut Aus Nord - Hallucinogen
5. Borknagar - True north
6. Candlemass - The Door to Doom
7. Opeth - In Cauda Venenum
8. Overkill - The Wings of War
9. Sabaton - The great war
10. Warrior path - Warrior path
Γιώργος Πετρουλάκης
1. Risen Prophecy - Voices from the Dust
2. Possessed-Revelations of Oblivion
3. Hysteria- Night Closing In
4. Manifestic- Anonymous Souls
5. Angel Witch- Angel of Light
6. Valence- Cognitive Dissidents
7. Ray Alder - What the Water Wants
8. Star.Gate -The Dream
9. Rival - Prophecy
10.Haunt - Mosaic Vision
Hugo Rebelo
1. MYSTIK - Mystik
2. TRAVELER - Traveler
3. INCULTER - Fatal Visions
4. TOMB MOLD - Planetary Clairvoyance
5. TOXIKULL - Cursed and Punished
6. SPEEDEMON - Hellcome
7. ALCOHOLOCAUST - Necro Apocalipse Bestial
8. CRITICAL DEFIANCE - Misconception
9. RIOT CITY - Burn the Night
10.OSSUARIUM - Living Tomb
Γεράσιμος Δούρος
1. Chevalier - Destiny Calls
2. Tygers of pan tang - Ritual
3. Equity - Financial metal
4. Aftermath - There Is Something Wrong
5. Acid death - Primal Energies
6. Lightfold - Deathwalkers
7. Suicidal angels - Years of Aggression
8. Flotsam and jetsam - The End of Chaos
9. Nighthawks - Night of the witch
10.Ανώριμοι - Κώλαση
Κώστας "PurEviL" Κυριακάκης
1. Riot City – Burn The Night
2. Antioch - Antioch IV Land Of No Kings
3. Turbokill – Vice World
4. R.U.S.T.X. – Center Of The Universe
5. Mysterizer – Invisible Enemy
6. Fatal Curse - Breaking The Trance
7. Gothic Stone – Haereticum Empyreum
8. Skelator – Cyber Metal
9. Blackmayne – Spat From Hell
10. Traveler – Traveler