The Black Dahlia Murder - Ritual

The Black Dahlia Murder - Ritual

\r\n I was always wondering why TBDM is supposed to be a love it or hate it band. They don’t sound that soft to my ears as they say. Anyway, who cares, I just had to start this review somehow..To the music: this is the new opus of the americans after almost 2 years from the latest "Defloration" and things look and sound...great! Fifth album in ten years of existence ain’t bad and while the band was ready to break apart(sometime after "Miasma" if I remember correctly) we are now witnessing a very creative period!
\r\n "Ritual" sees the band in its most mature days. All the known TBDM elements are here, the melodic a la At The Gates guitars, the fast parts, Trevor’s vocals with improved gutturals and so on. You may even find Morbid Angel references in "On Stirring Seas of Salted Blood". Who can defy Morbid Angel influences? The work done on the guitars is truly remarkable, the new guitarist has a lot to offer on the 6-string parts. From riffing to the amazing solos this guy can ensure quality without becoming boring or "too much". The violin following "Blood in the Ink" is an indication of open minded musicians too, in general, the guys have remain faithful to their sound yet they have expanded their music within the spectrum they themselves have built and this evolution is more than welcome.
\r\n The TBDM fan is bound to listen to this new creation and appreciate it accordingly. I will strongly recommend that doubters will do the same so that they won’t miss a damn fine release. There are no repeating breakdowns here, only music with energy and good value. Oh, on the lyrical aspect...things went to hell...literally! They somehow started writing about satani stuff. Cult? Fun? It does not matter, "Ritual" is bound to stay. Well done!\r\n


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\r\nGiannis rem3dy Nakos \r\n


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