Chrome Division - 3rd Round Knockout

Chrome Division - 3rd Round Knockout

\r\nSummer. Time for beers, breasts, beers and wet t-shirt contests. Did I mention beers? Well, it all comes down to one thing: rock ’n’ roll! This is what you get from Chrome Division’s third album. Pure, harsh, sing along boogie rock ’n’ roll, ideal soundtrack for a hit-on when you’re drunk.
\r\n The first 2 albums of the dear Norwegians had sent me to deserts and dusty bars back at the time. Their music is suitable for massive alcohol consumtion. Unlike his man band, Shagrath expresses himself in an all other way in this project. And this seems to be coming out rather "fluently" out of him. Once again you get this de ja vu feeling, it’s like you’ve heard their tunes before but little does it matter to be honest. So, what’s new on 3RD ROUND KNOCKOUT? The new vocalist for a start and secondly...nothing important. Once again you listen to a bunch of friends having a good time recording songs and playing music. And the outcome is amazing once again.
\r\n Kick ass songs like “Zombies and Monsters”, “7 G-Strings” and “The Magic Man” is what you need to kickstart a good party. The cover on Johnny Cash’s “Ghost Riders in the Sky” fits in perfectly and sounds like a genuine part of the Chrome Division sound. All this is delivered through a strong, clear production and the taste of a metal craftsman. Those of you who already knew these guys know what to expect more or less. The rest judge not from the official music video of "Bulldogs Unleashed" as it is one the album’s weakest songs. In total I’d surely top their previous recordings but this does not in any way mean that 3RD ROUND KNOCKOUT is a bad album. Tits and whisky man!\r\n


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\r\nGiannis rem3dy Nakos \r\n


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