Dream Theater - A Dramatic Turn Of Events

Dream Theater - A Dramatic Turn Of Events

\r\nWhen something comes to an end, there’s always a new beginning and you never know what future brings. When Dream Theater and Portnoy parted ways, no one could ever know when the band might be able to move on. The answer came pretty soon, though, and in fact it’s very encouraging. So, here’s a very good new beginning.\r\n


\r\nThe album “A Dramatic Turn Of Events” is close to the “Scenes from a memory” sound; it’s 100% Dream Theater without any Tool, Metallica or Pantera mixtures. The songs are pretty much based on certain formulas, so in a sense the band is avoiding taking any risks; there are neither surprises nor experimentations in this album.\r\n


\r\nNo doubt, Mike Magnini is the ideal choice, yet his role is kinda “quiet” for the time being. Without being pompous or exaggerating, he leaves much space for Myung and what’s really admirable is the fact that he doesn ‘t try to imitate nor to show off, on the contrary he has his very own “personality” . LaBrie ’s singing is very stable and he avoids any risky vocal lines; speaking of the  vocal parts, I don’t think that anyone will miss Portnoy ’s growls. In addition, following the balanced mood of the album, Rudess’ playing is not that extreme and un-easy listening, so it doesn’t overfill the songs nor does it affect their orientation.  Petrucci ’s unbridled, thunderous shredding, the instrumental parts which are simply beyond imagination, as well as the technical perfection of the compositions are some of the greatest reference points, not only for the album itself, but for all the Progressive Metal scene. \r\n


\r\nI wouldn’t like to rate this album by comparing it with previous Dream Theater albums. I think that “A Dramatic Turn Of Events” is a very good one and totally justifies the band’s fame and brilliant history, plus it’s a good reason for all the fans that stopped believing in Dream Theater during the past years to reconsider.\r\n


\r\nMusic is what counts the most and there’s lots of music, lots of good music, actually, a refreshing air and very positive vibes and everything leads to one conclusion: they made it. \r\n


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\r\nNicoleta Sarantou\r\n


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