Flammensturm - Die Feuer sind entfacht

Flammensturm - Die Feuer sind entfacht

\r\n Austrians  Flammersturm came, saw and did nothing. Not even closely. Three years after their musical birth they bring "Die Feuer sind entfacht" out to the masses through Bloodred Horizon Records. Yes, this review has been delayed, I know, but the result does not change one bit.
\r\n So, these guys are supposed to walk the pagan, folk, epic path of the black side of metal but what you really get out of this cd is heavy metal with some extreme vocals laying over it. Unfortunately they lack the passion, the nerve, the sound too. Where to begin from? The childish drumming? The guy behind the kit needs to improve himself a lot. Uninspired, biased and lakcing the imagination to provide some inspirational music. Just listen to "Visionen" and you’ll see what I mean. Also, he’s quite buried in the mix, I could hardly hear the snare in the faster parts. As for their riffing and guitar section, things goe from bad to worse. No nerve, absolutely no fury or the aggression that is needed to boost the songs. The only one in the band that can actually claim to have done something is the vocalist, screaming his lungs out in his german accent(their lyrics are in their native language). But the whole band does not stand a chance.
\r\n This war-themed style they want to put out has to meet some demands. If you lack the morbid vision, the ebony colored mood you cannot achieve extreme results. I don’t want to be the one to ruin the surprise for the curious ones. The band will make sure it happens either way. I hope their next step will be a lot heavier than this but the truth is this album will hardly find its way into my cd player again.\r\n


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\r\nGiannis rem3dy Nakos \r\n


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