Grief of Emerald - The Devils Deep

Grief of Emerald - Holocaust

Grief of Emerald - The Devils Deep



\r\nSwedish Black/Death Metal band - Grief of Emerald- are finally ready with a new official full length. It’s been almost ten years since their last full length release and the band is now ready with their 4th official release.\r\n


\r\nThe title of the album is -The Devils Deep - and it’s a 36 minute album that mixes Black Metal with some elements of Death Metal and lots of keyboards. Great Black Metal riffs, nice bass and keyboards, amazing drumming and Johnny Letho delivering some really nice chaotic Black Metal vocals. The production is very good and the whole album sounds great.\r\n


\r\nThis band showed up back in the 90’s and raised a lot of attention with their music. Their satanic melodic combination of Black and Death Metal stopped in 2002 for some years, due to line-up changes and personal problems. In 2009 the band recorded a Demo and made a new start. They got signed by Non Serviam Records and soon -The Devils Deep- was ready. Great album with many nice songs, lots of keyboards, chaotic atmosphere and very good vocals. -Grief of Emerald- are here with their new album to show that they are still alive and ready for more. We all hope that the machine now is warmed up and they will soon release more great albums. \r\n




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