Iperyt - No State of Grace

Iperyt - No State of Grace

\r\nThe press sheet couldn’t have described it better. "Modern and sinister sonic warfare". This album is a war on the senses! Terrorism and raping of your mental well being! Violence can come from more bands than just Marduk dear mr "knowitall". And finally we have a cover art piece that fits the music perfectly.
\r\n What exactly are we dealing with anyway? Iperyt from Poland, are in no mood for a friendly gesture, a welcoming smile or any kind kind politeness. Take black metal, techno beats and noise strokes, industrial stench, mix it and you get "No State Of Grace". Threatening, chaotic yet in control this cd show absolutely no mercy whether it’s on high speed mode or when slower songs decide to rip you appart. If Ministry and Marduk ever gave birth to a bastard child, Iperyt would be its name though these guys have more personality in their sound than I was able to describe. Replace the analogue snare with an electronic beats and you have this electric, "dry" sound torturing the atmosphere mercilessly. Surely, something aimed at a kinky set of ears by artists that deserve much respect cuz they have the balls to push things beyond the line.
\r\n "No State Of Grace" will not get any kind of reward, nore will it enter a hall of fame of any kind. And it actually doesn’t give a shit. It’s sole purpose is to demolish you, to rape you. And it succeeds in it. Indeed, violence can have many faces and this is one of them. Indulge or surrender, you can do both. The vocals of People Hater(epic nick name!) do no fit the "black metal" description perfectly, he does though seem to have the ability to rip your eardrum to shreds and take a piss on the remnants. One of the sickest massacres I layed my ears upon lately.\r\n


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\r\nGiannis rem3dy Nakos \r\n


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