Marienbad - Werk 1 - Nachtfall

Marienbad - Werk 1 - Nachtfall

When I first got this Marienbad cd in my hands, my first tough was the magnificent movie “Last Year In Marienbad” released in 1961, a dark movie full of mystery, romanticism, but also many undercover political statements (well enough said). So the concept album, Marienbad  “Werk 1: Nachtfall can be described as an eerie, dark, theatrical opus with many gothic references, that allows the auditor to make a whole imaginary scenery ,lead by the lyrics of the album. Since I mentioned lyrics, I have to make clear that the album has been released in English and in German.
\r\nMarienbad is a project from members of  Eisregen and The Vision Bleak. Their music can be described from the aforementioned bands, plus an intensive eerie atmosphere, in the vein of Devil Doll and Malombra, mostly due too the way Michael Roth sings. I consider that the german version is better than the English one, due to the vocals. Also I consider that the term “epic / Doom” they use as a description to their music, makes no justice to the album, since “Werk 1: Nachtfall” music wise is much more than riffing and lyrical , epic vocals.
\r\nI totally recommend the purchase of the album, since I haven’t listened to something as good as this, for a long time now…
\r\nLampros “Witchfynder” Tennes


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