MINUSHUMAN - Bloodthrone

MINUSHUMAN - Bloodthrone

\r\nAn exceptional case of a band, French outfit Minus Human initially impressed me but ultimetly left me with a question: will I try to listen to the whole album again? Now, since their music cannot be categorised so easily I will try to give you a brief description without tiring you. They have been called "the bastard child of ISIS and MACHINE HEAD" before. Surely there is a reason for that..
\r\n What these French dudes do is take heavy grooves as their basis and build their songs upon it with the addition of repeated melodies and riffs that slowly escalate and evolve within their "lifespan". Catchy, quite simple yet essential riffing unfolds itself, without any uncalled for complexity making things harder. Their sound is organic and clear, whilst the vocals range from harsh to screaming they don’t fall into the "brutal" category. So far, so good I say. Especially the album’s firs track "The Architect" is wonderfuly built, with the basic melody being able to carry you away easily and the massive sound boosting the process. But when the fifth track kicks in I caught myself turning away from the speakers.
\r\n The fact that the songs are based on minimalistic(compared to today’s trend towards complexity) guitar themes stretched across simple structures combined with the relatively long duration of "Bloothrone"  makes it a bit hard to hold on to for a long time. Listeners not used to such "experimentations" will probably get tired of it, but then again it could just be me. The album sees its end with the fully emotional "Kill Me" and my nagging shuts itself down. I have to admit though, it is most likely that I will listen to particular pieces of this work again. I would still recommend it though, cuz Minus Human managed in a second attempt to provide us with music that holds a character of its own. That alone says a lot.\r\n


\r\nGiannis rem3dy Nakos \r\n


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