Nightbringer - Hierophany of the Open Grave

Nightbringer - Hierophany of the Open Grave

\r\nNightbringer were strangers to me until recently. The first contact I had with their music though was strong enough to leave a good impact on my mood for the following days. The light fromt the next room was the only thing that kept me sane that night from the third full length release of this american act. Mature, structured and hard to follow allthesame.
\r\n The way "Hierophany of the Open Grave" unfolds itself is more like a vision of an art painting creating itself from scratch. You’ll find this majestic, magic yet threatening vibe shadowing your existence while you go through it and that keeps you stressed and wondering of what’s to come. Of course this can only be good in my opinion. Art is not to know what to expect. Strangely enough I can’t remember what I was on that night but it surely helped speed up my inner subconsious terror. Tempo changes from ultra fast parts to slower, almost torturingly frozen wastelands, but their black metal does not fall for the typical norwegian style. It steps into the so called orthodox path and drops its ebony veil all over the place. Truly some dark music with impact.
\r\n The sound is simply ideal, not very clean, but murky enough to provide the right atmosphere where it should. Additionally I can’t say I have any songs standing out for me. I think it’s more suitable to listen to "Hierophany.." as a whole, an entity in order to appreciate its atmosphere. From old Emperor to Funeral Mist with an extra personal touch, you’ll find what you need inside. Not the best black metal album of the year but one that is bound to find its place in the rotten hearts of those that dig this sound.\r\n


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\r\nGiannis rem3dy Nakos \r\n


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