Ogen - Black Metal Unbound

Ogen - Black Metal Unbound

 It’s been a long time since i last heard  classical black metal music as good as the first e.p. of Ogen.The title of the first work of these italians  is ’Black Metal Unbound’ and  although their name didn’t seem particularly special, the music was very satisfying and i find myself not being able to wait for their next and, surely, more evolved work.
\r\nSo, Ogen play a pagan-style black metal  but not as simple as that.My ear found in their music  tunes of classical black metal,coloured with modern ideas and production that takes you back and forth between 1993 and now.Sounds that can travel you from the old  trails of the first black metal bands until the  soundscapes of paganism and finally along the lines of today.
\r\nThe main composer of the band Hartagga has done a really good job on the musical composition.The tracks are well struckted but not too sophisticated and drown either into the rotten feelings or the clear ones.The vocals fit completely, enriched with layers and other tricks.The production is flawless and each instrument’s presence is distinct,not covering one another.All in all,a good and finely  crafted work.
\r\n Some bands,even from their first  job,prove that their future is bright  and that they feel deeply the music.Ogen is one of these bands and deserve our attention.
\r\nJohn "Inversed"\r\n

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