Pain of Salvation - Road Salt Two

Pain of Salvation - Road Salt Two

\r\nI made the same question to myself as I did when Road Salt One was released: if it wasn’t a Pain of Salvation album, would I still like it? The answer was positive again.\r\n


\r\nIt sounds like a soundtrack, coming from some other place and time, so distant and old but somehow contemporary; what really stands out is the sequence, the uniformity and the coherence, despite the abrupt changes, which are very common for Pain of Salvation. The direction of this album is heavier compared to the previous one; it’s based again, though, on 70’s Rock influences and sounds, under Gildenlöw’ s bizarre, strange progressive perception in music. His performance is really stunning once more. It is a melodic, an emotional -in many spots- album, which has a melancholic essence overall.\r\n


\r\nListening to the songs selectively may not appeal to you that much; Road Salt Two belongs to these albums that take time, as well as an open mind, to comprehend them. It’s one of these albums that you don’t just listen to, actually you experience it. \r\n


\r\nThis band is unpredictable, that’s for sure; whether its ”surprises” are pleasant or not in objective. The truth is that due to their latest choices, many of their fans have become much skeptical. In my opinion, it’s all matter of perspective, I mean just listen to the music and decide whether you like it or not. \r\n


\r\nHas a new era begun or it’s just experimentation and a temporary change? The future will tell.\r\n




\r\nNicoleta Sarantou\r\n



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