Rising Dark - Apocalyptic

Rising Dark - Apocalyptic

\r\n These youngsters from Romania come forth with a good mood but also some spare talent to add their part in the thrash metal kingdom. With only one demo release three years ago they release their first full work through SG Records. Why pick this out of the bunch? Let’s see what they came up with..
\r\n After a small introductory song, the thrashier "Armageddon" kicks in with the classic fast pattern and leaves no room for peace. Catchy (THRASH)chorus and high tempos follow in the next song too, "This Is War". So far, so good. No real surprises, nothing to let you down either. The smart riffing of the "The Bofoid" that comes next makes you lift an eyebrow and think about it for a second: that was good! The real surprise comes in next though with the almost 7 minute long "Yog Sothoth". From this point on the Rising Dark dudes show their true potential but also thei ability to compose songs that defy the pressure of the clock. This song is full, complete and lacks any unnecessary parts. It unfolds naturaly, showing that the band can accomplish its goal easily. The rest of the songs are of the same compositional concept. One of my initial objections would be the vocals, they seemd rather typical of the genre. Yet, Michael Crimson made sure I shut my mouth with his outstanding singing in the rest of "Apocalyptic" and especially in the emotional "Phoenix", the song that closes the album.
\r\n 7 songs in 41 plus minutes are no small matter. The lads, without changing history or something, manage to deliver an album that is way above decent. An album that shows the potential of this young act. I hope they take advantage of their talent and provide us with even better music in the future. This is quality heavy/thrash, not fresh, but with the future in hand. Ignore the funny looking cover and give it a chance.\r\n


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\r\nGiannis rem3dy Nakos \r\n


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