The Rotted - Ad Nauseam

The Rotted - Ad Nauseam

\r\n I know there’s a lot of people out there that were disappointed in the "turn" of the old Gorerotted into The Rotted and the subsequent redirection of their musical goals. These dear brits decided to further develop their music stigma into something different that the grinding death metal they used to play. I personally found their debut as The Rotted a very interesting release, though somewhat strangely I never heard a note from the EP that followed. And here we are before the brand new "Ad Nauseam", an extremely pleasant surprise to my tormented ears.
\r\n So, here goes: the first song brings one word to mind when listening to it: Entombed. The guys now like to rock shit out and they do it with a good mood and a hard on. What follows is a faster, a lot faster side of things brutal. The Rotted haven’t forgotten about blastbeats and they create a good mess with punk-ish rock’n’roll riffing, street attitude and songs that will even remind you of acts like Impaled Nazarene or The Crown. This Motorhead-ish feeling can grab you and put you where you belong:into the fuckin’ pit! Without making things complex for no reason and being straight-to-the-point the tracks can be the ideal soundtrack to relentless beer consumption.
\r\n Eleven songs, hymns to the rocking your ass thingy, could(to be a bit strict now) be just a bit more extreme in order for "Ad Nauseam" to reach higher levels. But I will not bitch about it as I rarely find bands these days with the balls to escape stagnation. I warn you: do not thing for a second that The Rotted left their deadly side to rest in the abyss. On the contrary they succeeded in balancing the two poles, and if you guys like any of the bands mentioned before you will see the smile drawn back back to your face. Do not hesitate for a moment to give it a listen, just leave the bitching for the new Morbid Angel album...\r\n


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\r\nGiannis rem3dy Nakos \r\n


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