\r\nShow Your Face come from the small town of Karditsa and they’re ready for war. A band that will not hesitate to play wherever possible given the opportunity and they will go after a show like bears after a pound of honey. This is a huge credits for them, a hard working band is always hailed in the end. So, this album is their debut in physical cd form(that is so cool of them!) and we’re shown their face in the forefront.
\r\n What impresses after the first hearing is the great work done on the guitars. Their ideas can deliver something with personality and a strong sense of character. Modern thrash/crossover/core with lots of energy bolts thrown to your face, variety and fury. Of course you can also find slower tracks, to ease the pain of the hammering, speed is not what it’s all about. Shots from bands like Unearth, bits from Lamb of God and all this modern style we got to know in the recent years marches in front of the listener in the form of riffs, rhythms and attitude. The part I think could take in some improvement is the vocals, while being harsh enough I find them quite common and typical of the genre. If this part was some levels higher the whole thing would boost up the result in my opinion. In total, this isn’t the album that will change your life, but it’s at least strong and a respectable effort.
\r\n The lads from Show Your Face have delivered quite some energetic material and I’m quite sure their next hit, having added some extra experience after touring etc, will be of higher impact. Until then, give’em a listen cuz we really need such a solid act in the greek metal community.\r\n


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\r\nGiannis rem3dy Nakos \r\n


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