Sickening - Ignorance Supremacy

Sickening - Ignorance Supremacy

\r\nSickening is another brutal death metal band only this time from Florence, Italy. In their music typically the riffs are predominant with an elaborate alternation of rhythms from fast tremolo picking to slow chugging passages and heavy bass guitar with full distortion and the thick palm muting that blends with the drums to create a blunt sound that pervades throughout the entire record. There are of course the blasts that are coupled with lots of catchy grooves, similar to the sound elements from Dying Fetus while Suffocation influences can be heard, especially in the slowest parts. The blasting comes out always with the heaviness and not with the full force pounding in order to create a chaotic wall of noise. Each and every song has constant tempo changes, applying all sorts of mid-paced, thrashy or blasting parts while the guitar riffs are truly evil and twisted with some of that Morbid Angel-like high-pitched end to the guitar tone. The drummer does reasonably well with lots of intricate fills although the muddy production gives the whole effort a rather weak output. The vocalist employ low-pitched death grunts with a very fat, unresponsive sound emerging out from his throat in the vein of Dying Fetus something that I really liked with the vocals section although the lyrics are completely indecipherable. This album isn’t generally very fast and the biggest problem I guess comes with the weak production but if you like any of the bands mentioned above check out this band. This is not a bad album, there are great moments here, good moments and indifferent ones but it’s a record that will surely make you wanna play it many times in your cd player.\r\n


\r\nVaso Prassa \r\n


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