Symphony X - Iconoclast


Symphony X - Iconoclast

\r\nWe are in the middle of the year, yet some people already consider this album as the best one for 2011; Well, I can’t but agree with that.
\r\nFor many years now the band is on a very high level. Symphony X is one of the most important “forces” in Progressive Metal, releasing stunning albums throughout the years, so it is essential for everyone to take them into serious consideration, especially after this release. 
\r\nThe new Symphony X album consists of fabulous, genius compositions that define a band which, uhm, let’s say comes from another dimension perhaps? Michael Romeo proves once more that he is one of the best composers in the Metal scene, Russell Allen merely makes you lose contact with planet earth, performing just excellent, the keyboards, being a bit behind the production’s forefront, complete the picture of this masterpiece, while the rhythm section is the precious “prop” of a marvelous piece of work.
\r\nThe value of “Iconoclast” is not only a matter that ‘s related to the perplexity, the special and complex character of the compositions, which automatically put the album on a very high level, but something more important: there are many brilliant ideas and lots of inspiration in here! It’s about time for everyone, even the more skeptical ones, to admit that he band (now) touches perfection in all levels.  \r\n


\r\nNicoleta Sarantou \r\n


\r\nLine up:
Russell Allen- Vocals
\r\nMichael Romeo- Guitar
\r\nMichael Lepond- Bass
\r\nMichael Pinnella- Keyboards
\r\nJason Rullo- Drums \r\n

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