Terakai - The Last Stand

Terakai - The Last Stand

\r\nOhhh, these youngsters..let’s make it fast this time cuz time and space are valuable things. Terakai are a modern band, the type that combine screamo elements with those weepy choruses. You know, the generation that grew up in front of youtube, with ipods decorating their ears, etc. The relative image is a must and these dudes are no exception.
\r\n To see through it a bit more thoroughly: this release holds 4 songs and an intro(more like a short track since it has vocals too) moving in the melodic emo/core/screamo spectrum. You’ll find the all common breakdowns behind every corner, utterly tear-stained pussy-ass choruses and strangely enough a very talented guitarist, who obviously had to find a way to get laid or something. The remarkably beautiful guitar parts he pulls out are relatively away from Terakai’s sound. He’d better go find a band worthy of his talent, in order to make something worth the trouble. This band has nothing to offer I’m afraid. Everything in here has been played/heard/done before and it’s so annoying knowing what’s coming next. It is that predictable.
\r\n Do you like Atreyu? I don’t give a shit. Perhaps you may listen to this stuff, it may make you feel better. The awesome production is not enough to blur my "vision". Avoid this release at all costs unless you’re the type of person that spends too much time in front of a mirror, checking his hair..\r\n


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\r\nGiannis rem3dy Nakos \r\n


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