Tombs - Path of Totality

Tombs - Path of Totality

\r\nTombs is a bizzare, frightening case of a band. Struggling with the dark, the light and other terms, unfriendly to the human psychic they can tear your soul apart in "no time". A phrase that does not fit the actual duration of their new creation. Damn, this had to come out in summer?
\r\n Third album for these guys and evil slowly grows deep inside the unaware listener. I can’t say I’ve heard everything these guys have put out but I think "Path of Totality" almost reaches the black metal fields in comparison with their past. The pitch black fog simply cannot hide. Imagine "Path of Totality" as a huge, amorphous creature that devours your very being slower than death itself. Painful, esoteric, with an agonising feeling and repressing outbursts that "cure" any happy feelings. As pale as the colours of the artwork. There should be a sign "proceed at your own risk" somewhere...
\r\n I want to point out the important thing about this album: no matter how fancy I may describe it, it is only targeted at a specific kind of audience. The more experimental type, the less narrow minded. If you like the post black metal void and are intrigued by the quest in the dark of things that you don’t even know what they look like, pack your bags, burn them and fall into the pit. Heavy hearted situations for stubborn minds..\r\n


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\r\nGiannis rem3dy Nakos \r\n


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