Whoever hears the name BRAINSTORM expects powerful, melodic songs with catchy choruses - exactly what you get with the new album "Wall Of Skulls". The southern German power metals pick up exactly where they left off with “Midnight Ghost” (2018) - conceptually they even go one step further.
Singer Andy B. Franck speaks in front of an “almost uncanny energy that prevailed in the rehearsal room when the songs were created. In total, this time we have packed more powerful and fast numbers on one album than ever before. All of this happened without any calculation or prior planning, but in a completely natural way. We just worked uncompromisingly on the songs and never broke off a course we had taken halfway. "Wall Of Skulls" is therefore by no means "Midnight Ghost" 2.0, but a new, clearly recognizable further development. "
The opener 'Where Ravens Fly' already sets the listener in the mood for the album with powerful sounds. The album is pushed further by 'Escape The Silence'. The track is supported by Peavy Wagner, the front man of RAGE. With the half ballad 'Glory Disappears', BRAINSTORM shows how versatile the metallers are. Quiet and yet full of energy, the song joins the overall work. And BRAINSTORM also surprise with their fourth and final single, 'Turn Off The Light'. The catchy refrain invites you to rock along, not least thanks to the feature by producer Seeb Levermann (ORDEN OGAN).
The album is on September 17th. been published. Andy B. Franck couldn't wait: "I've never felt so comfortable in my role at BRAINSTORM."
"Chamber Thirteen"
"Where Ravens Fly"
"Escape The Silence" (feat. Peavy Wagner)
"Turn Off The Light" (feat. Seeb Levermann)
"Glory Disappears"
"My Dystopia"
"End Of My Innocence"
"Stigmatized (Shadows Fall)"
"Holding On"
"I, The Deceiver"