Johan Liefvendahl - Seventh Wonder 13.03.1980
Jussi Lenets (Leneth The Unholy Carnager) - Cannibal Accident, Hellbox, Nephritis, Archgoat 13.03.1972
Matt Ferri (Slime) - Exhumed 13.03.1988
Tomasz Goehs - Wolf Spider, Turbo 13.03.1967
Fredrik Lager - Seven Tears 13.03.1988
Billy John Tsamis (Destroyer, The Raven, William) - Warlord 13.03.1961
Putra Pra Ramadhan - Burgerkill 13.03.1991
David Michael Draiman – Device, Disturbed, Megadeth 13.03.1973
David "Davve" Ekevärn - Those Who Bring The Torture, Apostasy, Ghamorean, Putrevore, Mortuus 13.03.1985
Igor Korolyov – Nevid 13.03.1985
Stefan "Steve" Wolz – Angel, Bethlehem, Imperia, Epica, Dakria, A-Rise, Halgadom, Kingdom Of Salvation, Silencer, Deinonychus 13.03.1978
François Merle – Killers, Manigance 13.03.1967
Britta Herzog – Amartia 13.03.1971
Costin Alexandru Chioreanu (13) - Costin Chioreanu, H8, Protest Urban, Cap De Craniu, Mediocracy, Bloodway, My Shadow, etc. 13.03.1982
Sami Zreik - Slumpark Correctional 13.03.1986
Johan Hallgren - Crypt Of Kerberos, Pain Of Salvation, Astrakhan 13.03.1975