Deadend in Venice - See you on the ground

Deadend in Venice - See you on the ground

\r\nSometimes my mind cannot describe the kind of bullshit some labels try to thow unto the audiences just to attract some genre fans. So, you put a guy screaming like a lamb to the slaughter, guitarists that wish they had been born in Gothenborg(though they just WISH) and the worst is yet to come: a horrific girl with a "modern approach" to metal. What comes out is simply unacceptable. It’s frustrating. It’s TERRIBLE.
\r\n I actually suffered a lot until "See You On The Ground" was finally over. I don’t think I’ve ever witnessed such a wannabe band. Trying to sound like all these pseudo new female fronted acts that don’t even know what kind of music they’re playing. Pointless, "swedish styled" metal, totally uninspired and flat. And above all, you get this female vocalist annoying you very senses to the core. There is no trace of quality here. Just a band that WANTS to be something they cannot be.
\r\n Do you like In This Moment? Good for you. Do you like The Agonist? Suit yourself. But don’t even for a slight moment, think that what lies in "See You On The Ground" is worthy of your attention. To avoid at all costs. Bad songs, bad vocals, bad everything. Let’s move on....\r\n


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\r\nGiannis rem3dy Nakos \r\n


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