Design The Skyline - Nevaeh

Design The Skyline - Nevaeh

\r\nHell, is this a surprise or what? I had seen the Texans’ promo video some months ago on youtube and died laughing. What my eyes and ears witnessed was hilarious! And after that, watching their cd being delivered to me for a review seemed like a joke, an easy task to pull through and a good chance for some bitching. You see, a good haircut and extreme music simply don’t match. But after putting the cd in the player I realised things are not as easy as I thought at first.
\r\n Believe me, I want to be fair. Design The Skyline fall into the category of acts like Attack Attack, Asking Alexandria and Bring Me The Horizon though I think they’re way better than any of the above. Deathcore, screamo, metalcore, call it what you like, it’s still the same bull..Here comes a breakdown, and oh, there’s this guy growling, and aahh this next one brings you the melo-whinning chorus. In between you may find synths and several other high level production tricks. Result? Zero. Ok, this is another generic us band that makes little boys look like anime characters but the most disturbing thing is that these dudes actually have potential. Wasted potential. Their more brutal parts and their skills(yes, they do have tech skills) could have brought them to another level, something more MUSIC-like. It’s really a shame seeing that there’s something worthy in those guys, it’s just that they do not take full advantage of it. And hailing from Texas? TEXAS?
\r\n I will not write anymore. It’s a pitty.\r\n


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\r\nGiannis rem3dy Nakos \r\n


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