GRAVE - Dominion VIII

GRAVE - Dominion VIII

The name “Grave” is of course the trademark label of the original Swedish Death Metal scene for sixteen years and over, and this is a fact that none can doubt about. So this is the eighth in the row release by the Swedish outfit during their low profiled career entitled “Dominion VIII”. I have the feeling that there are many people out there that really looking forward to this release, and the reason is that Grave are probably the only band along with Dismember and Entombed that still sound like the old days.
\r\n“Dominion VIII” is an album that features nine compositions in the vein of their old musical style, which have never been changed with “new ideas” and “catchy melodic lines”. Grave’s music can be mid tempo death metal with Slayer alike solos to more up-tempo tracks full of double kicks, that lead you to a non stop headbanging, and this is the ultimate over those years recipe of “How to Play Old School Swedish Death Metal”, without any changes in order to “fit in” or to sound more “Fresh”.
\r\nI’m sure that they won’t sell millions of copies once again, but for sure their supporters, fans and everyone that will purchase this album, know exactly what they want to hear… death metal with GUTS!!!
\r\nThe album is out since a couple of weeks ago via Regain Records, so all of you that still dig Old School Swedish Death Metal, this is a chance to feed your addiction.
\r\nLampros Tennes\r\n

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