Hail Of Bullets - ...Of Frost And War

Hail Of Bullets - ...Of Frost And War

\r\nWar, ice, destruction and... Hail Of Bullets! I’ve heard a lot about this band and I admit being very curious when I put this album in my layer. The wait is over and so...Of Frost And War started to fuld the speakers. First of all wew should mention that this band was created by the singer of Asphyx Martin Van Drunen, so for those who are already fans of the band they should be prepared. The love of the band member’s for Old -School Death Metal is more than obvious and so their love for Bolt Thrower. The album...OF Frost And War could have been written years ago but it’s never too late. The band has invested all its talent and presents an exteme, savage rough cut, warlike, and Death Metal album, the kind we don’t listen every day. The massive heavy riffs are everywhere, vocals sound like they’re coming from the core of the earth, the Bolt Thrower – like attitude is obvious and on top of that melodies to distract us from the holocaust we listen to earlier.
\r\nJust to make to make things clearer the music of  Hail Of Bullets is nothing like the music of the typical Death Metal band. The album is mid tempo, warlike, with fast outbursts. However the main characteristic are the heavy massive riffs and vocals sucked in desperation. Production is exactly as it should be, not too polished yet not too dirty, and in my opinion reflects what the band wants to present about war etc. The album includes 12 tracks which I equally enjoyed.  ...Of Frost And War is an album the grasps you by the neck and hits you till drop. I am truly intrigued into listening to their tracks live. For those interested Hail Of Bullets among with Bolt Thrower will be appearing in Party San Open Air in Germany. So grab your guns and prepare for the... Inferno at German Mountains!\r\n


\r\nVasilis Mazaris\r\n


\r\nTranslated by Hellena Mihailidou \r\n


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