Hatchet - Awaiting Evil

Hatchet - Awaiting Evil

I would never imagine a big label like Metal Blade would sign a band like this today! It’s 2008 and Hatchet seem to be under the impression that we are back in the days when Thrash Metal was living its glory days. We leave out the fact; Thrash Metal is more and more rising again with releases which are – in their majority – above average. In fact some of them are really good. I’ll be brief as far as Awaiting Evil is concerned since we are looking at a release for which less is more. We are listening to a mixture of Slayer with the Bay Area Thrash we love. We are tracing touches that remind us of Metallica in the Kill Em All era even though most riffs are influenced by Slayer. The band presents some very well established tracks with energy and power in simple lines. The band has exactly what it takes to make a Thrash band and it seems Hatchet will be the new love of the thrash fans. All thrash fans should give it a try!
\r\nVasilis Mazaris
\r\nTranslated by Hellena Mihailidou

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