Hybrid - The Will To Create

Hybrid - The Will To Create

\r\nThere was a time (especially the 80’s) where the Greek Metal bands in comparison with the foreign ones, have been sounded more like a bad joke, than a descent effort, for the greek metalheads. The reasons for rejecting older greek metal bands were the lack of music knowledge (by the members of these bands) as well as the very poor in quality productions (with some exeptions of course). Fortunate during the 90’s these disadvantages have been wiped out, so nowdays, we consider some greek bands better than the foreign ones. A Bright Example of the progression that the greek scene achieved is Hybrid from Athens, With their Deput Album "The Will To Create" Hybrid is following the old school Bay Area thrash metal bands and with some progressive metal influences they provide us with 9 inspired and really well played tracks. The very descent work with the vocals and the the guitaristic parts make this release very competitive. The Very Good production of "The Will To Create" made by the well known greek guitarist Th. Zira. Only one thing I wish to the Athenians Hybrid to keep on releasing albums like "The Will To Create" if not better.\r\n


\r\nDionishs X. Dionisiadhs\r\n


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