Leverage - Blindfire

Leverage - Blindfire

\r\nThe Finnish band Leverage after the debut "Tides", releases its new album "Blind Fire" which is once more melodic hard rock, with heavy background. The first thought that came to my mind when I first listened to this voice was that the guy sounds a lot like the exceptional, in my opinion, Jorn Lande, something that for me, personally,  is a very positive factor when it comes to review an album. Musically, as I mentioned before, it is a mixture of melodic hard rock and heavy metal, combined in a brilliant way that will satisfy fans of both music genres. Wonderful melodies, and  really beautiful songs. The tracks that I like the most are "Sentenced" and "Heart of darkness", and I think that such moments make you realize that having such a good album in your collection is merely priceless. The band definitely takes a step beyond..\r\n


\r\nNicoleta Sarantou \r\n


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