Night In Gales - Five Scars

Night In Gales - Five Scars

\r\nQuestion: does any of you remember the mid 90’s melodic death movement? One of the bands that jumped into that was Night In Gales from Germany. A tour with In Flames was enough to show them the way for a whole new world. Back then, they had released "Thunderbeast", an album that became the reason for some to label them as "one of many". The album was not a cornerstone, not a bad one either, history saw the band releasing a couple more albums and lost sight of them eversince.
\r\n So, after ten years, and after million of trend waves in metal music these germans return with one of the best melo death albums of 2011. Romantics? Amazing, I’d say. Hell, it’s been so many years since I last layed my ears upon the right feeling, the ones that fits this genre perfectly. This melancholic mood combined with "trippy"(in a way) guitar themes and METAL riffing. Their songs now feel complete. In the full sense of the word. There is a great variety in "Five Scars", pluralism in sounds and rhythms. From melodic vocals(not the gay type of course) to screams and growls, from the classic dual guitars to aggressive riffing and from slow songs to blasts. And while the album’s duration is not short, there is way the listener will get tired of it. After repeated hearings I found myself asking for even more. The production meets the desired criteria, strong and focusing on the guitars. An ideal work!
\r\n If you dig the genre defined by acts like Ebony Tears, old In Flames and Gates of Ishtar but also are open to "fresher" bands like Insomnium you should definitely invest in Night in Gales. "Five Scars" is one of the best releases this year has seen and surely one of the best of the recent years in the melo death land. A comeback worth checking, I hope these guys can continue in such a basis and offer more quality music like this.\r\n


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\r\nGiannis rem3dy Nakos \r\n


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