Sea Of Desperation - Spiritual Lonely Pattern

Sea Of Desperation - Spiritual Lonely Pattern

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\r\nOne man’ s band from Russia. The gentleman with nickname Lefthander composes music under the name Sea Of Desperation. When we see Stygian Crypt and Russia, then our brain us goes directly to atmospheric Doom situations. Therefore also this release tends to be something relative. The 8 tracks of Spiritual Lonely Pattern try to be heard so much atmospheric as extreme. The result is not the best, as music like this we meet often (and even better). What we have here is 8 monotonous tracks with mediocre sound and production and without unique good moments. The man tries to create appreciable melodies, but it is obvious that he suffers from lack of inspiration. Vocals reminds intensely those of Felix from Crematory. Spiritual Lonely Pattern is another one incurious album in the many that we have heard in recent times. Let’s hope that Lefthander will be improved soon. \r\n


\r\nVasilis Mazaris \r\n


\r\nTranslated by: Manos Maragos \r\n


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